Future TalentEd Summer Term 2020 Summer 2020 | Page 3
year ago, the situation in which we find ourselves
would have been considered unthinkable
outside of science fiction: a deadly virus,
lockdown, school closures, exam cancellations,
postponed careers programmes and a world
of uncertainty for young people due to enter
the world of higher education, apprenticeships or full-time work.
And yet the current pandemic has come to pass. It’s no surprise,
then, that educators are feeling the strain, nor that young people
are filled with anxiety about their future prospects. But neither
educators nor young people are easily defeated.
While careers leaders (page 27), education charities and some
entrprising employers are pulling out the stops to provide virtual
support and inspiration, many young people are showing admirable
positivity, in what could be redefined as an opportunity to learn
and grow.
During lockdown, students are taking an unlooked-for crash
course in self-motivation, self-pacing, adaptability and resilience,
while becoming experts in the art of video-conferencing – skills
and qualities that will stand them in good stead in the workplace.
Right now, they have a moment to pause and take stock of their
life goals and ambitions.
“Students are taking an
unlooked-for crash course in
Despite current challenges and disappointments, the future
remains hopeful, according to journalist Robert Peston, founder
of Speakers for Schools. In an exclusive interview (p18), he
reassures young people that although “we don’t know the pace
at which the economy will recover… it will recover.
“There will be challenging times,” he admits. “But if I were a
younger person, I wouldn’t be too disheartened because there
will be plenty of opportunities, particularly with this industrial
revolution, the rise of these technologies.”
In this issue of Future TalentEd, we too have embraced the ‘new
normal’, publishing the magazine in a more readable digital format
and gearing resources towards young people studying at home.
We hope careers leaders will share these widely.
For example, our employee profiles (p7) give insights into what
some lesser-known roles entail day to day, demonstrating that
fulfilling work comes in a range of shapes and sizes. In collaboration
with Young Enterprise (p13), we provide some engaging activities
around financial literacy, and on p20 you can find pick of the most
relevant practical resources from our partner, Barclays LifeSkills.
Meanwhile, our focus on wellbeing addresses self-management,
building resilience and the benefits of journaling.
We will continue updating our offer as the ‘new normal’ evolves.
In the meantime, if you have any feedback or requests for
resources, please do get in touch.
Jim Carrick-Birtwell, CEO, Future TalentEd
Email: [email protected]
Visit our website, featuring a wealth of
careers-related content, plus practical
tools and resources for schools.