Gatsby Benchmarks
3 4 5 6
7 8
How challenging
students helps to
embed essential skills
Students at Caister Academy in Norfolk take part in Challenge Days where
they can practise essential skills required for work.
a i s te r Ac a d e my i n
Nor folk, East Anglia,
works with the Skills
Bu i l d e r Pa r t ne r s h i p
training staff to develop students’
essential skills and running Challenge
Days and trips to local employers.
The school recognised that the Skills
Builder Framework and resources
could help fill skills gaps it had
a l re a d y i d e nt i f i e d a c ro s s
Key Stage 3.
Staf f have been using the
framework to help structure
education around employability,
rigorously building essential skills
step by step.