Future TalentED Spring Term 2021 | Page 9

Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Emma Steedman works for Rolls-Royce as a mechanical integrity engineer , drawing on her creativity and problem-solving skills .

What ’ s great about working as a mechanical engineer at Rolls-Royce Plc ?

Working for Rolls-Royce , an original equipment manufacturer , has allowed me to gain experience and network with colleagues around the world . Currently , I work within the Critical Parts Team , but during the graduate scheme , I worked as a materials design engineer , a future projects analyst , and a manufacturing engineer in Engine Build and Testing .
These were fantastic roles , as I had the chance to witness the full lifecycle of a gas turbine , from component design , to manufacture , build , testing and maintenance , acquiring various skills that improved my knowledge and development .
Rolls-Royce advocates recruiting more women in engineering . The chief commercial officer of the Civil Aerospace division is a co-chair of the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter , which reassured me when joining a male-dominated field .

What sort of person would it suit , as a career ?

If you ’ re curious and inquisitive about how things work , a career in engineering allows you to learn and innovate . Pioneering solutions for the future of sustainable power is at the forefront of engineering at Rolls-Royce Plc , therefore there are always new challenges to solve . It ’ s suited to someone who is creative and collaborative , with an open-minded approach to problem solving . Someone who is enthusiastic about shaping the world for current and future generations would suit a career in engineering .

What subjects would it be useful to study and what practical experience would be beneficial ?

Maths and Physics are foundations for engineering . If you have the opportunity to study Technological Studies or Applied Science , even better ! I ’ d recommend getting as much practical experience as you can with mechanical equipment during your studies . The hands-on experience will improve your problem-solving skills , providing an understanding of overcoming engineering problems , and a technical understanding of how theories and principles are applied in real life . Studying as a mechanical engineer at university , I used my summer months to gain industry experience . When applying for jobs , this gave me a variety of projects to discuss with employers and showcase the technical skills I gained .

Could you outline the routes into entry-level roles in your field at your organisation ?

Beginning your journey as an engineer at Rolls-Royce can take the form of an apprenticeship post-GCSE or A Levels , summer and year-long internships through university , or joining the graduate scheme . Starting as a graduate myself , I worked in teams across the company on rotational attachments . This allowed me to tackle projects in different roles within design , analysis and manufacturing . Something that I think would be useful to anyone considering entering engineering would be the Resource Hub on the Women in Aviation and Aerospace website . Take a look at the ‘ Inspiring the Next Generation ’ and ‘ Preparing for Take Off ’ sections ; you ’ ll find tools and how-to guides that will help you prepare for your career .

“ Someone who is enthusiastic about shaping the world for current and future generations would suit a career in engineering ”

What personal skills and qualities would you need ?

Curiosity is crucial . The problem-solving role requires an inquisitive , creative and open mind for developing new ideas and overcoming technical problems . During the early years of my career , I realised that there ’ s a lot to learn from other fields . This requires being a good listener and building good working relationships , especially when collaborating across sectors . Strong communication skills help cross-sector collaboration and teamwork . In time , you will develop and deliver projects that will require strong leadership skills to bring your ideas to fruition .

How could your career develop as a mechanical engineer at your organisation or beyond ?

Having completed the graduate scheme , I ’ m now building my technical knowledge as a mechanical integrity engineer . Moving forward , I could focus on a particular area and work towards becoming a technical specialist . Alternatively , I could broaden my skills towards a leadership role such as a team lead or manager . Rolls-Royce is a large company with many opportunities within civil aviation , defence , nuclear and power systems .

What has been the highlight of your job so far ?

During my graduate scheme , I collaborated with a team of other engineers to design , manufacture and test a new method of applying a protective coating to jet engine components that operate at extremely high temperatures . At such an early stage in my career , it was exciting to be responsible for planning and executing a successful project from start to finish . Every member of the team took ownership of a different aspect of the project , from procuring the materials and testing equipment to developing the design , manufacturing the solutions and testing the final concept . Presenting our solution to a panel of technical specialists to be considered as a potential future solution was extremely rewarding .