Future TalentED Spring Term 2021 | Page 6

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Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




In January , we hosted an exclusive , virtual Q & A for students with British astronaut Tim Peake . Above is the full video , and here are a few of Tim ’ s insights , in his own words .

You don ’ t need to be a straight-A student to succeed

I ’ m going to let you into a secret : I left school with a C , D and an E in Maths , Physics and Chemistry A Levels . So I wasn ’ t an academic genius by any stretch . The thing is that since leaving school , I ’ ve never stopped studying . Once you ’ re passionate about and can direct your energy towards something , it helps you to focus ; my knowledge of maths and physics is now at degree level .

Develop your personality and character

There are two pillars that make up your ability to perform well in life and to achieve your potential . Academic skills will help , but you ’ ll also need personality and character to take you all the way . The extra-curricular activities , the things you are doing that help to develop your personality , give you the other pillar . For me , joining the Cadet Force at 13 was a fundamental shift : it sparked a new interest and a new direction in my life .

You don ’ t need a science degree to join the European Space Agency ( ESA )

The ESA is looking for you to have a degree level of education , over 1,000 hours of flying as a pilot , or both . They don ’ t specify in which subject ; it doesn ’ t even have to be a science-based degree , it could be politics or geography . I wish I ’ d studied languages at school . All astronauts have to speak Russian , and I started trying to speak it when I was 37 , which was hard . French and German are also commonly spoken at the space station .

“ You ’ ve got to come out of your comfort zone ; it ’ s only by pushing yourself that you ’ ll learn about yourself . Don ’ t fear failure along the way ”

Failure is a key part of success

You ’ ve got to come out of your comfort zone ; it ’ s only by pushing yourself that you ’ ll learn about yourself . Don ’ t fear failure along the way , because the fact that you ’ ve tried and have pushed yourself further than you wanted to go — that ’ s success . I ’ ve been very fortunate throughout my life to have the opportunity to do that .

Look after your mental health — in lockdown as in space

As astronauts , we pace ourselves , making sure we stick to structure and routine and manage to have some time off each day to relax and unwind . That ’ s so important during lockdown as well . Everybody is having a tough time . On the space station , we would make sure we had enough sleep , the right nutrition , enough exercise and time to relax . And I think those four things are vital for mental health .


You watched the video — now take our mini quiz


What was Tim ’ s nickname and why ?


What do astronauts say space smells like ?


What was his favourite food in space ?


What was Tim ’ s most nerve-wracking moment on his mission ?


How do astronauts keep water out of their helmets ?


How much does the Soyuz rocket weigh ?