Future TalentED Spring Term 2021 | Page 3





t ’ s impressive what we can achieve when our backs are to the wall . Over the past year , schools and parents have battled against all odds to maintain young people ’ s learning and careers education , using technology to create online classrooms , lessons and innovative resources .
In 2020 , videoconferencing came into its own , saving the day as in-person interactions became impossible during COVID . It may not have been perfect , but it spurred our resourcefulness , while demonstrating just how technology can enhance access .
Many organisations have also stepped up , mindful of their future talent pipeline , but also of the unfair challenges faced by young people during ( and in the wake of ) the pandemic . Considerable efforts have been taken to move careers resources , work experience and apprenticeships online , as businesses and charities do their best to preserve opportunities and support .
For example , with theatres closed , London ’ s Old Vic has created a free education hub for the young creatives of the future ( p5 ), while Barclays LifeSkills has made a series of short videos to showcase some of the different roles available in the finance sector ( p12 ).

Digital is not the same as face-to-face engagement

On p16 , you can read about one young woman ’ s experience of undertaking a virtual apprenticeship in software development at IBM , which uses technology to sustain communication and teamwork .
Similarly , the RAF — the subject of an extended feature on p15 — has worked hard to provide meaningful alternatives to its traditional roadshows and multi-school events , arming its STEM ambassadors with high-tech equipment and training , and organising remote initiatives , including the largest coding engagement programme for schools ever undertaken in the UK .
Many of these innovations have been recognised as useful tools in the armoury of careers education — and will certainly be here to stay . However , virtual will never take the place of in-person interaction .
“ I cannot stress enough that digital is not the same as face-to-face engagement ,” argues wing commander Russ Barnes , who leads on the RAF ’ s Youth and STEM programme . “ My team is champing at the bit to get back to some face-to-face engagement !”
This enthusiasm is surely echoed by young people , schools and businesses everywhere . As we push through ( what we hope will be ) the final months of COVID restrictions , we look forward to a future of blended initiatives , where young people benefit from a combination of the very best of virtual and in-person careers education and opportunities .
Jim Carrick-Birtwell , CEO , Future TalentEd Email : info @ futuretalented . co . uk

FUTURE TALENTED WEBSITE Visit our website , featuring a wealth of careers-related content , plus practical tools and resources for schools . www . futuretalented . co . uk