Future TalentED Spring Term 2021 | Page 11

Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gatsby Benchmarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



As an apprentice network engineer for Virgin Media , Amber Grebby is enjoying the blend of teamwork and independence .

What ’ s great about working as a network engineer at Virgin Media ?

Network engineers help build and maintain Virgin Media ’ s network , ensuring that all our customers are connected to our services . From the very start , you are given loads of responsibility and freedom in your work , as well as your very own van to help you get around from job to job .
Despite being out and about regularly , the role is still very team orientated so you have great support around you . You also get to meet new people regularly that you wouldn ’ t normally get to meet in your everyday life .
Being an apprentice is particularly great because you get to learn alongside working . I ’ m given the opportunity to take part in lots of technical courses and every week I have a day of study leave which is helping me progress in my career .

What sort of person would it suit as a career ?

As you ’ re often working by yourself , it would suit someone who is very independent and confident , particularly with meeting new people as that is a big part of the role . What ’ s nice is that we are all part of a big team with the same goal , so being a team player is definitely important , too .
You have to be the sort of person who is comfortable with taking on new challenges and is flexible and optimistic — no two days are the same and neither is the weather , so you need to be prepared for anything !

What subjects would it be useful to study and what practical experience would be beneficial ?

I didn ’ t need to have any specific qualifications before starting , just Maths and English GCSEs ( grade C or above — which would now be grade 4 or above ) and a full driving licence .
While an Information and Communications Technology ( ICT ) qualification is always helpful , I didn ’ t have one before joining and it didn ’ t matter . Since then , however , I ’ ve been given the opportunity to study for an ICT GCSE alongside my apprenticeship scheme . Because of this , I ’ ve learned new skills such as how to navigate Excel , which has helped me in my everyday working life .

Could you outline the routes into entry-level roles in your field at your organisation ?

I found the role on the government website which directed me to Virgin Media ’ s careers page . There was a three-stage application process — personality test , telephone interview and discovery centre day which included an interview and presentation — to help determine if you have the right skill set for the role .
Though the process can be intimidating , there was great support throughout from the people who ran it . My advice would be to come across as confident to help you stand out , and not to be worried if you don ’ t have too much knowledge about the role as showing interest in learning is what they ’ re looking for .

“ Over the past year , what we do has really been put in the spotlight , so helping to bring people online and keeping them connected has really felt worthwhile ”

What personal skills and qualities would you need ?

The main skill is being an independent person , because you do spend a lot of time being out on your own without colleagues . Confidence is key to this as it shows if you ’ re not , but this is definitely something you get better at over time .
Good customer-facing skills , such as being polite and engaged in conversation , are useful too — and something you can transfer from other roles , such as working in a shop .

How could your career develop as a network engineer at your organisation or beyond ?

There are multiple different progression paths at Virgin Media , and this is made clear to you from your very first day . From my current role , once I ’ m fully qualified , I could become a principle engineer , manager or even head of department , which is really exciting .
What ’ s great about the skills I ’ m learning right now is that they are transferable , and there is the opportunity to work in different parts of the business with further training offered to help you get there .

What has been the highlight of your job so far ?

Over the past year , what we do has really been put in the spotlight , so helping to bring people online and keeping them connected has really felt worthwhile . During one recent visit a university student was so grateful after I helped rewire her home and bring her services back that it really brought home to me how important my role is .
Another highlight is working alongside such a great team : we all get on really well and are supportive of each other . Help is always there if I need it .