Future-Proof Building Showhomes Tauranga Showhome built by Design Builders | Page 15
Programme,– staying true to one
of Future-Proof Building’s 8 Smart
Principles: Health and Safety, as the
features may reduce the likelihood
of an allergic reaction for customers
with asthma or allergies.
All walls are painted using Resene
Half Truffle, while the ceilings,
trims, doors, fascia’s and sofits
come in calcite grey white, chalky
and soft tones, thanks to Resene
Black White.
Heating is carried out all throughout
the home, with the Rinnai Gas
Heater Energysaver 309T delivering
excellent air quality and efficient
heating to any room.
Quality and Sustainability are
common themes in this home, as
the ceilings and walls are built with
Pink® Batts® Insulation, which are
durable for 50 years, as required
by the New Zealand Building Code.
The R3.6 is a ceiling insulation
that is light-weight, flexible and
thermally insulate ceilings in new
homes and can also be fitted into
existing homes with no insulation
or laid over existing insulation. For
the walls, the R2.6 was used, which
is also light-weight and flexible,
and thermally insulates timber and
steel-framed walls.
Design Builders Tauranga Showhome | 13