Future-Proof Building Showhomes Gulf Harbour Showhome built by Sentinel Homes | Page 2
Premium homes designed
with your lifestyle in mind
Through a genuine commitment to current building standards and expert
craftsmanship, Sentinel Homes builds top quality homes for modern families.
Although we enjoy working with the latest trends and materials, Sentinel Homes values
remain rock solid - to ensure you get the most out of every dollar you invest in your new home.
Led by an award-winning director Stuart Shutt and with each home backed by a ten year Master
Builders Guarantee, you can trust Sentinel Homes to build your new home on a firm foundation.
Our approach is simple: A low-stress, hands-free building experience that delivers a stunning
contemporary home.
Sentinel Homes won Master Builders
House of the Year Gold Award 2014
Proud members of
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M: 021313568
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