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РЕЛИЗ ГРУППЫ "What's News" VK.COM/WSNWS LeaderBoard CONVERSATION OUR DECEMBER 26 issue debuted the Just 100, ranking the country’s best cor- porate citizens. Maggie McGrath’s cover story chronicled how the scrum to at- tract top talent has prompted American companies to shower their workers with perks and benefi ts—“Competition is the new union,” as we put it. Said M&A analyst Dinesh Advani, “Employees have the power to be your biggest promoters or your biggest detractors, and I know which I’d rather have.” (Cover star Brian Krzanich, CEO of top-ranked Intel, muddied his company’s victory with a post-press-time stock sale before news broke of a major Intel-chip security fl aw in early January. Tsk, tsk, sir.) Krzanich’s actions aside, many readers clamored for further tales of corporate kindness. “Please keep writing about companies with heart,” off ered Benita Lee. “We need to know they’re out there.” THE INTEREST GRAPH TheyTube, YouClick: The internet’s top-earning entertainers far outclassed the competition in our December 26 issue, gaining nearly six times the page views of the runner-up. ’TUBE TOPPERS Readers marveled at the money made by the highest-paid YouTube personalities— one toy-testing tot in particular. KISHALAYA KUNDU, BEEBOM.COM: “YouTube means big money these days, and nothing exemplifi es this more than Forbes’ recently released list of the highest-earning YouTubers.” NATHAN MCALONE AND JOHN LYNCH, BUSINESS INSIDER: “YouTube has become the de facto launchpad for the next generation of internet celebrities.” @SKM353: “PewDiePie got canceled . . . but he still got paid anyway.” 1,122,645 views The Highest-Paid YouTube Stars 2017 The NHL’s Most Valuable Teams 243,735 Just 100 2018 @||SUPERWOMAN|| (LILLY SINGH): “I’m very grateful that 64,410 Chris Cline Could Be the Last Coal Tycoon Standing 34,443 Unions Are Dead? Why Competition Is Paying Off for America’s Best Workers 33,693 BlackRock’s Edge: Why Technology Is Creating the Amazon of Wall Street 12,482 “This might surprise less-enlightened CEOs and investors: Treating workers right ultimately benefi ts shareholders after all.” “Cline is amused by the popular misconception that coal is on its deathbed. Coal’s death—if it comes at all—will be long and slow.” my passion has become my career. Looking forward to seeing more women on the list next year. Thank you @Forbes @WomenAtForbes @YouTube” @SALLYMACFOX26: “@Forbes says a 6-year-old @YouTube star’s channel earned $11 million this year! Ryan tests new toys. So on top of the $ he gets toys! What’s my 6-yr-old doing? Our kids are slackers.” LENNY, TODAYFM.COM: “This will have you grabbing a toy and the nearest child.” What Do You Get a Billionaire for Christmas? How to Make a Warren Buff ett–Inspired Cocktail THE BOMB 410 VIEWS 28 | FORBES FEBRUARY 28, 2018 “The program expands and contracts, from a holistic view of fi rm- wide risk down to a single trade in a split second.” THEQUINT.COM: “It’s time for some adults to slump into a pit of shame.” 11,751