Future Manufacturing future-manufacturing_12023 | Page 8


Connectivity and orchestration increase sovereignty and resilience

Increasingly frequent unpredictable events are disrupting flows of goods and supply chains . Manufacturing companies have recognized that they need to make their supply chain more resilient to remain successful in the future . Digital transformation is essential for situations like this . Digital and future-proof tools like orchestration software , are essential for a successful transformation . In addition to that , they create benefits through better deployable personnel , higher utilization of technical assets and new business models .
Source : soffico GmbH
Manufacturing Service Bus : Companies benefit from the orchestration of their data and become more efficient as well as more resilient .

New ways of thinking and acting must also prevail . Manufacturing- X , the German government ' s initiative to digitize supply chains in industry , aims to develop the following :

● Secure the global pioneering role of the German industry through a purposeful and inclusive digital transformation .
● Realize a competitive , sustainable , and resilient economy more sufficiently as an end result .
● Launch the first lighthouse projects , i . e . “ Circular economy and climate protection .”
To this end , those involved in the initiative have defined three areas of action . The aim is for orchestration software to facilitate the efficient transformation of the manufacturing sector while helping to achieve national and international development goals .
Establishing a sovereign data space for Industry 4.0
A digital and sovereign industry requires an easily available end-to-end data networking , and the willingness to share data multilaterally . This sovereign data space is operated by systems that automatically network and communicate with each other . Originally , systems are networked with each other through interfaces . The