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COSMO CONSULT – your one-stop shop for going digital
34 company profile | COSMO CONSULT
Source : Pexels

COSMO CONSULT – your one-stop shop for going digital

The COSMO CONSULT Group is one of the world ’ s leading providers of Microsoft-based industry and business software . With its broad portfolio of modern technologies , digital services and consulting services , the specialist in digital transformation addresses all areas of mechanical and plant engineering . The company takes a holistic approach combining digital technologies with traditional consulting .
COSMO CONSULT supports companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector with digital transformation , working together with them to initiate changes and develop perspectives for the future . Digital business models that combine products and digital services are one good example of this . Such approaches are often data-based . COSMO CONSULT , with its expertise in digital transformation , employs solutions from areas such as data analytics and the internet of things ( IoT ) to collect the relevant data , evaluate that data and put it to profitable use . The knowledge gained this was is the foundation for innovative ideas that help companies set themselves apart from the competition . Data also plays an key role in dealing with increasing cost pressures : using interactive dashboards , big data analyses and mobile apps , COSMO CONSULT ’ s experts make it easier to access the important facts and figures .
Focussing on customers Digital transformation gives companies an opportunity to align their business models more closely with their customers . Using modern ERP , CRM and business intelligence systems , COSMO CONSULT helps companies learn more about the needs of their customers . Management methods such as design thinking help them to adapt their products and services to the market and achieve success . With its supply chain management solutions , the digital transformation specialist also ensures companies ’ supply chains are flexible and resilient .
Always keep moving The future of mechanical and plant engineering is digital . It is , however , impossible to predict today what framework conditions will be like in the future . Being agile in order to be able to react quickly to new situations is thus all the more important . With its approach of integrating technology and consulting , COSMO CONSULT is a reliable long-term partner .
COSMO CONSULT Gruppe • Schöneberger Str . 15 • 10963 Berlin • Germany Phone + 49 30 343815-0 • E-Mail info @ cosmoconsult . com Internet www . cosmoconsult . com