Future Manufacturing future-manufacturing_12023 | Page 26


From Signal to Action : Increasing Customer Retention in Service with Artificial Intelligence

Machine construction is a good example of a field in which product-related supporting services and additional digital products can help differentiate original equipment manufacturers ( OEM ) in the international marketplace . The aim is to put the focus on customer needs and realize services and products that significantly increase customer loyalty and satisfaction . Digital technologies and data-based artificial intelligence ( AI ) applications play a crucial role here .

Aggregating and displaying data concerning machines and processes in order to monitor the condition of equipment is in itself nothing new . More advanced processes , such as industrial analytics , make it possible to perform auto- mated and scalable evaluations and analyses of sensor , log , process and production data by means of intelligent data analysis and machine learning techniques . It is the combination of intelligent analysis and the availability of this data that enables OEM to establish new use cases in service . These include use-based service contracts , consulting for optimal product usage , “ as a service ” business models , smart maintenance or predictive maintenance , and the optimization of warranty processes .

Source : shutterstock