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Visual search technology : Artificial intelligence makes maintenance and repair operations more efficient

Before implementing an AI strategy , it is crucial for industries to consider their data strategy . This includes evaluating the potential impact of visual AI applications on their business and determining the most cost-effective way to acquire , generate and structure the required data . By carefully considering these two factors , industries can effectively leverage the power of synthetic data to enhance visual search and improve maintenance and repair operations ( MRO ).

The efficient management of spare parts is a demanding task . Even experienced engineers often find it difficult to remember all designs and identification numbers ( IDs ) of products . An inefficient spare parts operation can lead to longer machine downtimes and dissatisfied customers . However , by adopting new visual search technology , companies can streamline their parts management and improve their maintenance and repair operations .

Find spare parts faster thanks to synthetic images
Visual Search allows industries to eliminate the need for time-consuming internal and external communication in the search for spare parts . Instead , customers and the workforce can simply take a picture of the part they need and quickly find the corresponding product or material ID . This natural and intuitive approach saves time and allows for more efficient and cost-effective processes .
Traditionally , nyris has used a small
Source : nyris GmbH
Efficient spare parts search : Visual search technology finds spare parts in a second .