Future Manufacturing future-manufacturing_12023 | Page 16


Operational Excellence – Using Data Intelligently

Data management platforms enable the integration of Industry 4.0 future technologies with internal legacy systems and external data sources . This way , companies create a central data base and form the prerequisite for data-driven decision-making . Combined with sound data analytics and key performance indicators , companies achieve operational excellence . This enables them to keep a constant eye on their core processes in the value chain with a view to effectiveness and efficiency .

Optimal use of data analytics requires access to all relevant information . The prerequisite for this is a central database as the heart of corporate IT , which collects , structures and processes the unchanged exorbitant growth in data . Heterogeneous data volumes and data types must be available quickly and , ideally , in real time . In practice , most companies do not yet fully implement the consolidation and provision of all strategic , tactical and operational information in real time . New future technologies in the area of machine learning and artificial intelligence pose additional challenges for many companies .

Data silos delay decision making
Autarkic data silos place a serious burden on the value chain for manufacturing companies . Individual , closed systems mean that data cannot be used in a meaningful way . Managers are forced to make decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information . But processes at the production level or in sales also become inefficient due to a lack of information . They prevent end-to-end communication within operations and informed , timely decisionmaking based on data .
Data management platforms save time
Modern data management platforms provide a remedy . With integrated data ana-
Sources : shutterstock