Future Manufacturing future-manufacturing_12023 | Page 13

FUTURE MANUFACTURING usually worth analyzing niche markets . Opportunities for digital platforms arise , for example , when a certain lack of transparency leads to high transaction costs in order to find the solution to a customer problem .
A machine builder becomes a platform operator
A customer of 247FactoryNet GmbH builds machines for sheet metal forming . There are many different target markets for the machines – among others the automotive industry . Mostly , low-cost parts are produced in large quantities on the machines , so it is important to keep the cycle time as short as possible when designing the production process .
The customer ' s core expertise lies in implementing the manufacturing process for the highest possible output quantities and consistent quality . To achieve this , he must design both the machining sequence and the corresponding tool .
An essential function of the platform developed for the machine builder is to make this know-how available digitally for the development of the optimal manufacturing process . In the future , this will enable platform users to calculate the cycle time and investment costs for a given part online . This means that a detailed calculation of the manufacturing costs is produced at the push of a button – a process that previously required a lot of time and many consultations with different potential suppliers .
New distribution channel for the sale of machines
However , the digital platform ' s offering is not only aimed at those interested in a part to be manufactured – in this example , the car manufacturers . The business model also addresses the parts manufacturers , who are requested via the platform and can submit offers . When creating these offers , they are of course also supported by digital functions of the platform . This ensures that all participants can benefit from the offer . At the same time , a new sales channel for selling machines and tools opens up for the machine manufacturer .
It is characteristic of digital platforms that benefits accrue to all participating companies and that these benefits have virtually no marginal costs due to digital data processing . The offering is usually useful and inexpensive , which makes the platform highly attractive and attracts many users . In addition , the high number of users generates a lot of data . This means that additional digital services can often be offered , such as services for optimizing parts or manufacturing processes .
In addition , the following is central : The platform does not cannibalize the machine manufacturer ' s core business and does not create a competitive situation with existing customers . Instead , this creates a strategic competitive advantage . On the platform , a new parts requirement becomes public at a time when no manufacturer would otherwise have been approached . l
Dr-Ing . Mathias Döbele Managing Director 247FactoryNet GmbH Enabling data-driven smart manufacturing
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