Future Manufacturing future-manufacturing_12023 | Page 11

The use of proprietary systems usually leads to inconsistent data silos . dards frowned upon by many ERP providers are in fact becoming increasingly important against the backdrop of data generation , structuring and exchange . For companies , they are like a digital backbone that connects all the players involved in value creation through digital interfaces . The Asset Administration Shell ( AAS ) of the Industrial Digital Twin Association ( IDTA ) is playing a pioneering role in this area in the capital goods sector .
But what does a platform have to bring to the table so that it does not end up as just another patch in the digitization strategy ? A question that should be looked at from different perspectives . Because at the strategic level , this strategy must above all enable growth today and success tomorrow . On a transactional level , it should automate business processes and ensure revenue and customer loyalty . On a cultural level , it should lay the foundation for future innovations with an open architecture . Only in this way can platforms initiate the digital transformation and lead to long-term success .
Beware of cost trap with in-house development
For technical decision-makers , the question is whether to opt for in-house development or system house ? In most scenarios , both options should be treated with caution . Because even though a do-it-yourself ( DiY ) platform may sound tempting , they usually entail disadvantages .
This is because such platforms are not only resource-intensive at the personnel level . In addition to high one-time investments , they also incur costs in ongoing operation . In addition , these platforms are rarely compatible to other platform and third-party-solutions and and could hinder further development projects .
Platform development via an external system house is also not advisable because of the dependency on maintenance and further development as well as the enormous implementation costs . This is because outsourced development projects often require a lot of time and incur costs that are often in the seven-figure range .
The founders of Transaction-Network Markus Jäckle , Gerd Bart and Matthias Maier ( from left ) rely on open platforms for the technological success of manufacturing companies .
Advantages of open standard solutions
Open standard solutions , for example as software-as-a-service , are a good solution . Because in addition to low time expenditure and low capital commitment , these solutions offer permanent digitization . These solutions are calculable , cost-efficient and grow with the challenges . This allows employees to focus on their own customers and the selection of suitable processes .
Innovation-driven companies have recognized this fact : Effective platforms are based on customer needs and focus on usability . Today , technical decision-makers therefore demand independent solutions that cover the goals of today as well as those of the future .
Industry 4.0 ? The platform model often decides
In the digital age , choosing the right platform is of great importance to be successful in competition . Proprietary systems , closed platforms and own DIY platforms do not offer a long term solution as they are associated with restrictions , high costs and dependencies . Open standard solutions as software-as-a-service , on the other hand , offer more flexibility , a lower investment of time and capital , and the ability to focus on customer needs . To find a mature platform , it is therefore important to consult experts who can support decisions regarding infrastructure , business and strategy . l
Gerd Bart CEO Transaction-Network GmbH & Co . KG