Waste production is a reflection of modern consumption and lifestyles. Economically developed countries are producing more and more waste (900 kg a year per inhabitant in the United States), whereas developing countries produce very little (less than 17 kg a year per inhabitant in the Ivory Coast). We produce over 26 million tonnes of household rubbish in the UK and Northern Ireland every year.
The nature of waste is also changing. The materials are synthetic and increasingly complex, resulting in pollution and health problems. Selective waste collection has been introduced in many developed countries. In developing countries, the recovery and re-use of waste materials has long been, and still is, a common activity.
"A Cleaner School"
Purpose of the activity: To raise awareness among pupils regarding the importance of ecology in their life and society
In this activity, the teachers Mihaela Ivănescu and Cristina Cărăbuş gave gloves and garbage bags to the students in order to collect the waste from the school yard,and from the sports ground around the school.
The activity was attended by 30 pupils from the 11th and 12th grades. Students have had an intense activity in which they competed on the grounds of gathering as many as possible.
At the end of the activity, students were appreciated and rewarded with sweets.