Project Activities
What does it mean to care for the environment?
The Earth has all the things we need to live, but we need to take care of the Earth so it can keep giving us what we need. Caring for the environment means doing things that will keep the Earth healthy, like recycling your plastic bottles instead of throwing them in the bin, and turning off lights when you don’t need them on anymore.
It’s up to us to do what we can to care for the environment. There are plenty of ways to be green and make choices that help our planet, and you don’t have to be a grown-up to make eco-friendly choices!
It’s important to conserve the Earth’s natural resources, like water, so people living decades after us can still enjoy living on our amazing planet.
Did you know?
Doing things that are good for the environment is also called being green. How green are you?
The three main things to remember when it comes to caring for the environment are:
Reduce the amount of rubbish you throw away and the amount of water you use
Reuse things where you can, like water bottles
Recycle rubbish by sorting it out into bins for different materials like paper, plastic, tin and more.
Recycling means turning old, used-up products into something new. For example, you can make a new plastic bottle by collecting, cutting up and mixing together old plastic bottles; the old bottles don’t get thrown in the bin, and new plastic doesn’t have to be made for the new bottle.