Future EU Sustainable World World | Page 32


transnational mobility In Çekmeköy,TURKEY

2-4 MAY 2019

The final meeting of the FuturEU-Sustainable World - Erasmus+ project started on 2nd of May 2019, at the Özel ERA Eğitimde Rasyonel Açılım Koleji Çekmeköy Ortaokulu, the partner school from Turkey, with the welcoming speech of the principal of the school, Mr. Ridvan Karabayir.

The hosts invited the participant to a school tour, where we became familiar with the basics of Turkish educational system and we visited the laboratories for different learning subjects (technique, music, arts and craft, IT, science lab) and the relaxing and food area for pupils. The teachers from the Era School gave us extended explanations about their daily activities and we had the opportunity to get a better understanding of the way the school is organized and of the teaching techniques used here. One of the most important objectives of the school is to educate the pupils for a healthier life at every level, including personal care (food, physical, mental), social interactions and the environment preservation.

The coordinator of the project made an analysis of the activities that took part during every mobility, focusing on the initial objectives. The coordinators from each country detailed the activities that took part between the mobilities, as they were published on media platforms as Facebook (project’s page), the website of the project and on e-twinning platform. The evaluation of the activities was always a part of the project, as evaluation plans were made and quizzes were given to the participants at different stages of the project. Also, the coordinators from the partners school have kept statistic data about the project, such as the number of participants, the number of web reactions to the published papers on project, so the quantitative and qualitative evaluation could now be done extensively.