Did you know?
Some research shows that the world's wind potential can provide five times more energy than is currently consuming?
Will solar energy reaching Earth in 40 minutes be sufficient to cover the need for one year's energy of all mankind?
In the less accessible and isolated places, most of the electricity required by a household is supplied by solar panels?
In Romania there are 7 hydropower stations, namely Iron Gates I and Iron Gates II (on the Danube River), Lotru Ciunget (on Lotru River), Raul Mare Retezat (on Raul Mare), Mărişelu (on the River Somes), Vidraru on the Argeş River), Stejaru (on the Bistriţa River)?
If tidal energy could be fully utilized in special centers, it would produce about 100,000 times more electricity than all the hydro power plants in the world?
In Romania, biomass could cover 89% of the heat needed to heat dwellings and prepare food in rural areas, only by eating waste and vegetable waste?
Using one hour of a lawn mower polluting a 563-kilometer machine?
50% of the energy used by mobile phone chargers is scattered by leaving them plugged in without the phone being connected to them?
A PC monitor lit all night use enough electrical power to print 800 A4 pages of laser?
What can we usually do with 1 kWh of energy?
We have lunch for three people in a saucepan;
Keep cold food in a refrigerator for 3 days;
We wash about 4 kg of laundry in a washing machine;
We use the iron or vacuum cleaner for 1.5 hours;
Heat 10 liters of cold water;
We watch TV for 6 hours.