Fusion April. 2014 | Page 23


We came back home, getting ready to make some kimbap for my field day. As it was getting dark outside, my mom got busy preparing for making kimbap. She quickly washed her hand and pulled out every ingredient on the cooking table. Firstly, she washed all the vegetables and cut them evenly in thin slices. Then, she cooked them on the frying pan with some oils. She also cooked other uncooked ingredients and set everything on a huge tray. As she prepared the vegetables and other ingredients, she started cooking the rice. When rice is all cooked, she spread a thin layer of dried seaweed on the kimbap roller. Then, she mixed the rice with sesame oil and spread the rice on the top of the seaweed layer. Now, she and I would select which ingredients to put. Depends on what ingredients are on the rice, the name of the kimbap changes. However, usually for most types of kimbap, the vegetables such as spinach, carrot, and cucumber are the basis of them. Other than vegetables, if you add tuna, it would be Tuna kimbap. If you add kimchi, it would be Kimchi kimbap. If you add cheese, it would be Cheese kimbap. While she made different types of kimbap, I ate slices of ham and beef that my mom prepared as ingredients of kimbap. As she finished up making kimbap, we noticed that there were unbalanced number of vegetables and meat because I ate some of them randomly. Although we still have some vegetables left, we already made enough kimbap that we could eat for at least two days. With the left vegetables, my mom would use them for making other side dishes, so she did not waste any of them.

On the field day, parents came to my school with a huge box of fruit, snacks, and all sorts of kimbap that we made together. I happily ran to my parents and sat down on the beautiful grass. Although traditionally, most people brought kimbap as their lunch, some people brought fried rice, chicken, or pizza for their lunch. No matter what my friends brought, I could not express enough how happy and satisfied I was by eating my mom’s unique kimbap for my lunch on the field day. When I think of kimbap, it not only reminds me of its taste, but it also gets me appreciate my mom’s effort and love of making the kimbap for me.

Foodsion/April, 2014 22