FUSE July 2014 | Page 14

The Cretaceous Period st The Cretaceous period, the longe 4-66 period in the Mesozoic Era, was 14 nts million years ago. Earth’s contine apart. had separated and began to drift meant The various different continents nt that dinosaurs developed in differe re ways, and so there were many mo s the types of dinosaurs. This period wa abit last time the dinosaurs would inh aur Earth, and they thrived. No dinos swam or flew, but the Cretaceous s period saw mammals and reptile ny become more successful, with ma urs. marine reptiles and flying pterosa What was th e world like ? The Cretaceo us period beg an with similar tempe ratures to tho se in the Jurassic perio d, but within the first few million y ears tempera tures began to cool. By th e end of the p eriod, the continents w ere much mo re similar to how they a re today. Afric a and South Americ a had taken sh ape, but India had not yet collided w ith Asia and Australia , leaving it stil l a part of Antarctica. Flo wering plants appeared for the first ti me! What lived on Earth in the Cretaceous period? The Cretaceous period really was the golden age of the dinosaur. Hadrosaurs, the cows of the Cretaceous, all had amazing and varied crests. They roamed the lands, possibly in herds, grazing on plants. The ceratopsians or ‘horned face’ dinosaurs, such as the Triceratops, could reach up to 33ft in length when fully grown. There were ankylosaurs, four legged herbivores covered in thick bony plates and spikes which were the armoured tanks of the dinosaur world. There were three main groups of ankylosaurs, the Nodosaurids, which had rows of spikes on their bodies, the Polacanthids, who had spiky bodies and tails and the Ankylosaurids who had bony clubs on their tails. We see the arrival of a ve