From the President
Dr. Jim Richey
Dear Conference Attendees:
Welcome to Eastern Florida State College and the 2018 Florida Undergraduate Research Conference.
You are among more than 700 participants representing 30 colleges and universities, with students
presenting more than 400 research projects.
Those impressive numbers reflect the intellect and commitment that students are bringing to their
work, and the dedication of faculty and staff who are helping them succeed.
The conference features some of the best and brightest young minds in our nation who will help
define the future of the world in which we live.
That is why we place great importance on the Office of Undergraduate Research at Eastern Florida.
Our program operates on all four Eastern Florida campuses with research in 18 disciplines, many of
them in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and others in liberal arts.
Our program has also been used as the model by six other colleges and universities in Florida to
start their own undergraduate research efforts.
I encourage you to take full advantage of the many opportunities the conference offers, especially
the unique window it provides on the innovative work of students.
I know you will leave with new ideas and the knowledge that the research you are doing today is
the foundation for what you will achieve tomorrow.