Instead, try to build a personal rapport. Be sure to
ask the prospect questions about themselves and
their interests. This is how you find out whether this
prospect is right for your organization. If not, then
you can devote your attention to other seeds more
likely to germinate.
as being the only organization that reaches your
population and has already achieved a real impact.
Check out other NGO websites and see what they
say about themselves. The pitch is an element of your
organization’s identity that you will use over and over, so
take time to make it resonate.
3. Water and fertilize the seedling by staying in
touch through regular emails, updates, or other
communications. For example, if you have a list of
prospects or donors who are interested in a particular
project, send an email or note a couple of times a
year with an update on your progress. This helps
them learn more about your organization’s work
and develop an interest in you. Plan to contact each
prospect at least four times a year with a specific
message that doesn’t ask for money. It always helps
to have prior personal contact with a prospect before
making an “ask” (a request for a contribution) – this
includes foundations and larger institutional funders.
you contribute time and/or money to your
organization? Do all of your board members/
advisory board members contribute as well?
is hard for some potential donors to seriously
consider contributing to an organization if its
leaders don’t contribute financially themselves. They
wonder why they should invest in you, if you do not
invest in your own organization?
What is your annual budget?
Throughout the cultivation process, that seed should
naturally grow into a healthy plant. When you think that
plant is ready to yield fruit, then prepare for harvesting
by developing your “pitch.”
What other sources of funding do you currently have?
you have a strategic/business plan? What is your
vision for the next two years, five years, and 10 years?
A pitch is a short, enthusiastic summary of your
organization. You should have it in writing to include in
letters, emails, and proposals. You should also be able to
deliver it verbally in person or over the phone.
Before you get ready to ask for gifts, you should develop a
list of possible donors (known in the fundraising world as
a “prospect pipeline”) that you think might want to help
fund your organization.
The pitch is a quick introduction to your organization,
with the goal of getting people interested in what you
do and why it’s important. Often, many people will
not take time to get to know you at a greater depth if
they’re not interested in your initial pitch. Think of it as
your advertisement.
Here are some suggested steps to help you prepare to
make the “ask:”
prospect has the capacity and passion to make a
financial gift or award.
have communicated with the prospect;
they have heard from you and know of your
organization. They are educated about your work
and feel connected to it and your organization.
At a minimum, a compelling pitch includes
the following:
Name and type of your organization – such as “rural
women’s farming cooperative.”
have had a conversation about their specific
program or project interests and identified
what their funding would accomplish for your
organization – for example, training for a specific
number of women in rural regions.
What you do and why it’s critical – such as
providing financial literacy training to difficult-toreach rural women so that they know how to keep
track of their money and save.
have had a conversation about potential
funding including the approximate amount,
the program or project to be supported, and the
timeframe. Be sure to tailor your request to the
“hook” or what makes you unique and a
compelling reason for someone to learn more – such