FullPlate_joomag Winter Edition 2016 | Page 26

To-Go Lunches AVOCADO CHICKEN SALAD TIME: 10 MINUTES INGREDIENTS ¼ avocado 2 tbsp plain yogurt 1 teaspoon lemon juice ¾ cup shredded chicken, precooked Sandwich: Bread of choice Lettuce (optional) 2 slices tomato (optional) DIRECTIONS In a small bowl, mash the avocado together with yogurt and lemon juice until completely combined. Add the chicken to the bowl, and mix a spoon until the chicken is coated. Serve your chicken salad your bread of choice with desired toppings. tip: 24 | fullplatemag.com Make the night before and wrap in plastic wrap to be served the next day. In the morning just grab one from the fridge and go. winter edition | 25