Stress happens! It’s a part of everyday life for
virtually everyone, in varying forms and levels.
Home renovations will undoubtedly increase
stress levels, no matter how prepared you are.
The stress we experience, renovating or not,
can work for or against us. It’s up to us to learn
how to manage our stress so it doesn’t control
us and take a toll on our relationships and
Our bodies will react innately to protect us
in time of short term stress, like adrenaline
surging in a life threatening situation. This
is a good thing! Chronic stress that affects
your quality of life is more concerning as it
contributes to a host of potential health and
lifestyle issues. The good news is that there
are lots of simple ways to bring more calm
and ease into our lives! Start with a nutritious
diet, stay hydrated, do thirty minutes of activity
daily and get seven to eight hours of sleep
each night. Incorporate the following stress
busting tips to keep your cool no matter what is
happening around you.
MAKE A PLAN but expect the unexpected.
When issues arise, focus on solutions instead
of dwelling on the problem.
KEEP A ROUTINE Having reliable constants in
your life is comforting to your nervous system.
Some examples include: morning coffee with
your spouse or friend, a daily workout, a sit
down meal with family, bedtime meditation etc.
KNOW YOUR LIMIT Self awareness is key.
Step away from a situation if you need to
“diffuse your fuse.” No regrets and no added
BREATHE Deep slow breathing sends our
body the message to relax. Reduce tension by
inhaling for the count of 4, holding your breath
for the count of 7, and exhaling slowly for the
count of 8. This easy and free tool works like a
magic reset button!
MINDSET MANTRAS Focus on the positive
and create some phrases that can carry you
through times of stress. Repeat as necessary!
“I look forward to relaxing in my beautiful new
space” or “I’m going to create delicious meals
in my amazing new kitchen.”
Stress is a part of life but should not be a way
of life. Train your brain to focus on solutions
and positivity to bring more calm and ease
your every day stress. Your body and brain will
thank you! Happy renovating! - Ingrid Jamault,