Full Circle Digital Magazine October 2013 | Page 24

H E A L T H • B E A U T Y fashion beauty health • F A S H I O N Music Festival Sun lovers and Organic Sunscreen What is an organic sunscreen? A sunscreen cream or lotion that has not been manufactured using synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), is known as an organic sunscreen. No synthetic herbicides or pesticides are used for the growth of agricultural products that have been used in the sunscreen. Why is it Important to use Organic Sunscreen? Dermatologists say that long term use of synthetic products on your skin will ultimately damage your overall health, since they are non-biodegradable and not ecofriendly. Purchase sunscreens that contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. It has been dermatologically tested and proved that these two compounds are safe to be used, even on a baby’s skin. Avoid the four chemicals in sunscreens that are considered most damaging to your skin and the world around you. They are Benzophenone, Paraben, 4 methyl benzylidene camphor, and Cinnamate. These chemicals are especially used in spray sunscreen; so avoid the purchase of spray sunblock bottles. Image source: Pinterest FOR A FREE SUBSCRIPTION FULL CIRCLE DIGITAL MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2013