Full Circle Coaching Services Brochure Full Circle Coaching | Page 6

P.E and School Sport Coaching Magazine

Full Circle Coaching can help you use physical activity to improve pupils’ participation in physical literacy and multi skill activities, health, wellbeing and educational outcomes, ensuring that all pupils meet the nationally recommended activity levels.

To achieve high quality physical activity for every child we will audit, plan and develop before school, lunch and after school activities using volunteers, young leaders, staff and coaches.

We can implement a promotion campaign to ensure as many children as possible attend extra-curricular clubs regularly. We also identify and target those children who are least active in a new physical activity programme that includes pupil consultation and parental engagement.

We can create links with community activity programmes to build on the development of movement FUNdamentals within the curriculum PE lessons, provide play opportunities and reinforce the importance of being physically active, as well as introducing basic leadership opportunities and social interaction.

Full Circle Coaching:

Breakfast, lunchtime and after-school clubs