Full Bore Longboarding Magazine June 2014 | Page 39

aren’t supposed to be in. As I always say at our racer meetings at Carve beforehand, “Lets treat this like a bank heist – in fast and quiet and out quickly.” Our garage races are fast and nasty and full contact. Beyond our garage races we support races when asked.

Greg: Outside of Houston’s garages we are trying to help with legal sanctioned events. Kids are gonna skate and are gonna race whether or not anyone approves of it. So why not try and legitimize the race scene and work with cities and states in throwing safe legal events. When we first started Team NoBull there were about 5-6 races a year, now it seems like there is one every week. Hopefully we played a small part in that growth. Why can’t we have a legal garage race during the day instead of at midnight, why can’t we have a legal sanctioned downhill race in Austin? We are trying to work with local officials to help them understand that it’s better to have their approval and support. We are going to race no matter what.