Full Bore Longboarding Magazine April 2014 | страница 9

It is so strange to me now, thinking about how drastically things can change in such a quick succession of moments and movement. However, it was not the end for me when it very well could have been. I am so thankful for my life, for all the days I get to see pass and be a part of. For all the wonderful people in my life and the time I get to share with them. For where I am today and with all the love that I've found. You can lose something in life that you rely on, but you have been infinitely blessed to compensate for any loss you could ever sustain. You can find the strength to live with joy in everything around you. You can turn your back on fear and pain that comes naturally to us when our mark is missed. .

blessed to compensate for any loss you could ever sustain. You can find the strength to live with joy in everything around you. You can turn your back on fear and pain that comes naturally to us when our mark is missed.

We are imperfectly perfect and we are going to miss. To remove yourself from fear of failure, to embrace every opportunity with your best effort and know that your life is a spectacle no matter the outcome. That is what I have learned, not in full, only a small part. But it is enough for me today. For my eyes are fixed on today and all the wonder that I encounter with each fleeting moment. Happy February 12th to everyone.

Video of that days session