fulcg-covid-19-report | Page 11

Mike ’ s story

In the early days of lockdown we thought that it would not be long-lasting and so new means of involvement were not seen as urgent . In my local patient group , we took to virtual meetings using Zoom in September 2020 and other bodies did similarly , using Zoom or Microsoft Teams . Some found that participation declined , generally because of lack of necessary equipment or facilities , or by inhibitions in using the technology , ( including lack of knowledge ). Others found the opposite , as travel to meeting venues is not needed when meetings are virtual .
I had an early introduction to Microsoft Teams with the School of Nursing and Midwifery . However , from late summer enabling virtual user involvement accelerated across the Faculty . I ’ ve been much encouraged by the patience of staff and others with my fumbling use of Teams and the assistance provided to gain knowledge and feel at ease with virtual meetings .
Comments I ’ ve received from users and carers indicate that whilst there remains a significant number who are inhibited against joining in or have concerns about difficulty in participating if there are a lot of people in attendance , there are also many who have grown to prefer this method of meeting . My wish is that where reasonable and feasible , virtual meetings should increase in their application .