FSU College of Medicine 2018 annual report 2018 Annual Report - FSU College of Medicine | Page 8

Q U I C K QUICK FACTS F A C T S 6 M.D. CLASS OF 2022 SNAPSHOT Applications for this class of totaled , . Most students did their undergrad work at Florida Civilizations B.A. and minor in music . Habib Once again, women outnumber men. State Fifteen students are Spanish Hispanic Latino, The top majors are biology are black, nine are Asian and five are Asian Indian. physiology Thirty students come from the Florida Panhandle biomedical science, chemistry, exercise science and both the artistic and scientific aspects of medicine. psychology All of these students have worked or volunteered the region whose physician shortages helped , followed by the University of Florida . , exercise and a four-way tie involving each . hopes to use the experiences he has ac uired studying music and the humanities to help him become a patient-centered physician who values inspire the creation of this medical school. But it s not always that straightforward. Consider in health care, whether as a medical support Five students come from counties classified as the journey of Habib Behjatnia Habib started technician at FSU s student clinic, a volunteer rural. off wanting to be a piano performance major. at a children s hospital, a translator for Hispanic Twenty percent define themselves as After a change of heart, he decided to double- patients, a cardiopulmonary rehab exercise disadvantaged. major in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental specialist, a medical records custodian, a first Biology B.S. and Near Eastern Languages and responder, an Army medic in Ira or...