FSU College of Medicine 2018 annual report 2018 Annual Report - FSU College of Medicine | Page 36
Our health education site continues its expansion in
on developing and testing evidence-based, web-based,
Southwest Florida. We sponsored the first ever FSU
interactive training focused on rural, low-literacy parents.
College of Medicine Symposium on Integrated Care
Medical students from all six regional campuses continue
We celebrated the start
of our fourth class of
Longitudinal Integrated
Spirituality & Health. Two international keynote speakers to complete third- and fourth-year rotations in Immokalee as Clerkship LIC students. Of
were featured Harold Koenig, M.D., director of the Center well as participate in research opportunities with the Center the seven students who have
for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University for Child Stress & Health. For the graduated after participating
Medical Center, and Christina Puchalski, M.D., director of students traveled from Tallahassee to provide health in the LIC, two have matched
George Washington University s Institute for Spirituality outreach activities during spring break to the farm-working in internal medicine, two in family medicine, one in general
and Health. The symposium brought together an community. surgery, one in psychiatry and one in ophthalmology.
interprofessional group of health-care providers from the
The FSU Center for Child Stress & Health housed
th year, FSUCares
The Clinical Health Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship
Laura Davis
We added College of Medicine and Bridge alumna Laura
Program based in Immokalee will be expanding to the Lee Davis M.D.,
to our core family medicine clerkship
Health system. An affiliation agreement between the College faculty, thus strengthening its FSU roots. She practices in
in Immokalee co-sponsored with the FSU Center for of Medicine and Lee Health will expand the postdoctoral Blountstown, a rural community in Calhoun County.
Prevention & Early Intervention a statewide think tank fellowship to Lee outpatient clinics including the family
Expanding Trauma-Informed Systems in Florida. It
featured Vincent Felitti, M.D., one of the world s foremost
experts on childhood trauma and co-author of the Adverse
Childhood Experiences ACE study. The think tank
Jackson Hospital continued its commitment to FSU
medicine residency . Three new fellows are expected to start by hosting numerous activities related to the College of
in September Medicine. All are designed to introduce eager young students
Elena Reyes, Ph.D., regional director for Southwest Florida,
to the virtues of rural medicine.
marked the retirement of Rosie Smith, hospital PR
brought state leaders and policymakers as well as community director and community liaison, who has been instrumental
leaders together with the goal of leveraging trauma science in all aspects of the College of Medicine s relationship with
across Florida systems. Jackson since
The Center for Child Stress & Health received a
. She has been succeeded by Amy Milton,
whose family has a long, rich history in the community.
gift from the Naples Children and Education Foundation Then came Hurricane Michael. The county lost power
NCEF to fund a full-time clinical psychologist who will for nearly a month. Jackson Hospital and our teaching faculty
work with NCEF after-school programs to serve children
and students were directly affected. See storm details, page
with a history of traumatic stress and serve as a bridge . Though the hospital has reopened, much work remains to
between school and primary care, as well as providing restore all services. We appreciate all the relief efforts and warm
workforce development for teachers. wishes from our College of Medicine family near and far.
The center hired its first full-time research postdoctoral
Anthony Speights, M.D., director of rural education,
fellow, Jordan Montgomery, Ph.D., who will focus
Natalie Rivera, who completed the Health Psychology Postdoctoral
Fellowship Program in August, has joined the Immokalee faculty
and will help expand the program to Lee Health.