FSU College of Medicine 2018 annual report 2018 Annual Report - FSU College of Medicine | Page 31

2 0 1 8 A N N U A L R E P O R T 29 mandate in geriatrics, the way to prepare is by collaborating. If you can train them in geriatric principles from Day Other training programs in Immokalee and Naples Through programs and research funded by nearly One, ideally they just accept that as part of their role and anchored by the College of Medicine s Immokalee Health million from the U.S. Health Resources and Services don t think of it as an add-on, said Granville. It s really Education Site have instructed several hundred attendees Administration HRSA , the College of Medicine is difficult to retrain a practicing physician, so we look to make on topics such as medication use in older adults and developing creative ways to strengthen Florida s ability to a change in the pipeline and infuse geriatric competencies communication with older patients. care for geriatric patients. throughout medical schools and other disciplines schooling. We ve known for a while in geriatrics that we would never Meantime, the grant is already in uencing older patients We re working with a federally ualified health center, and everyone from the person at the front desk, to the have enough of us specialists to keep up with the demand, across Florida. Fourth-year medical students at the college s nurses, to the physicians is more informed about how to said Lisa Granville, a geriatrician, associate chair of the six regional campuses have been giving senior-learning effectively help older patients, said Castagna. There aren t Department of Geriatrics and co-principal investigator on presentations as part of their re uired geriatrics clerkship a lot of public health clinics that are e uipped with that the HRSA grant. Because of that, we ve shifted our focus to rotations. specific knowledge, so they re excited to be a place that make sure that everyone in health care has a minimal skillset There s a mutual benefit for our medical students and to help address some of the common concerns and uni ue older adults to be learning about aging-related issues, said health-care needs of older adults. Nicolette Castagna, coordinator of the North and Central HRSA awarded the College of Medicine in . million as part of the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement more focus is being placed on family caregiver support and education. about their own health, and it also helps med students understand how to communicate health-related issues to patient and caregiver empowerment. patients and know what concerns older patients have. three years, the college received an , extension to continue building such programs. One example is a clinical immersion event developed to Medical students have presented to more than , The Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshops have African-American Alzheimer s Caregiver Training and Support ACTS prevention and advanced care planning. Professor Rob Glueckauf to assist dementia caregivers in GWEP s reach has also extended inside the walls of of health-care teams. Since environments. students caregivers statewide. Year adults across the state on topics such as heart health, falls health-care facilities and into rural and underserved care , more than , already reached more than of the grant is the start of a new collaboration with the older teach students about geriatric care principles and the role from the College of Medicine, FSU s College of Nursing As GWEP embarks on its additional year of funding, presentations empower older adults to be more informed establish programs focusing on interprofessional training and , as a result of successful outcomes over the first underserved area. Florida Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Partnership. The Program GWEP to form statewide partnerships and In older adults can come and get uality care, especially in an Geriatric care principles have been infused into family program led by College of Medicine northwest Florida. Across the board, all of our projects have really been able to make an impact and a big part of it is sustainability, added Castagna. We ve been able to do that by training and Social Work, and Florida A&M University s pharmacy medicine and internal medicine residency programs in leaders and creating materials that can be reused. Our school have been taught to form teams and manage a Tallahassee, Fort Myers, Orlando and Daytona Beach based on community partners are committed and have a lot of buy-in, geriatric patient in a simulated clinical setting. areas where residents show the greatest need for improvement. so we re in good shape to have a lasting impact.