FSLeader_Fall2020_English_Web | Page 12

Q+A GETTING TO KNOW RANDY + SANDY REMINGTON GRAB A CUP OF COFFEE (OR TEA) AND FIND OUT WHICH CAFFEINATED BEVERAGE OUR NEW PRESIDENT PREFERS. How did you two meet? Sandy: We met at Camp Crestview during a junior high summer camp. Randy was the camp speaker, and I was the girls’ dean. He looked so young I thought he was one of the campers! You’ve been married for over 30 years, have three sons and a farm in Oregon. Tell us about your farm. Randy: Our little farm is a gift from God and the fulfillment of a dream that we had since we were first married. The hope for the future is to raise a few steers and possibly a hog or two—my wife would love a horse. What is something you would like the Foursquare family to know about each of you? Randy: Sandy embodies the word “kind.” Her impulse is to believe the best about you and look for the best in you. Sandy: I would want them to know how deeply Randy loves and cares about them as individuals. He is approachable, funny, humble and compassionate. 12 FOURSQUARE Leader