Frum Jewish Books Nissan 5775/2015 | Page 8 Pesach 2015 Reviews, Biography, History, Inspiration LIVING ON BY RABBI DANIEL YAAKOV TRAVIS By Naomi Elbinger Living On: Messages, Memories and Miracles from the Har Nof Massacre is the brainchild of Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis, Rosh Kollel of one of the victims, a friend and neighbor of the four victims, and a fellow congregant at Kehilas Bnei Torah, the shul where the attack took place. 6:57 a.m. — 39 men daven at a neighborhood shul in Har Nof, Jerusalem. 7:08 a.m. — Four of them lie murdered al Kiddush Hashem, following a massacre that rocked the Jewish world. “I knew each of the four kedoshim personally and I davened at that shul every day for years,” said Rabbi Travis. “The idea for this book came during a Shabbos discussion with another Har Nof resident. We felt that following such a tragic event, and in light of our personal connection to the