Fruits and vegetables processing Processed Fruits and Vegetables | Page 2
The Global Fruit & Vegetable Processing Market is expected to
grow at a CAGR of 7% to 8% from 2018.
The most perishable and vital ingredients in the human diet are fruits
and vegetables. They are a cheaper and better food product and
make a considerable nutritional contribution to human well-being
owing to their high nutritive value. Fruit and vegetable processing
projects established and planned aim for solving are very clearly
identified for market growth. It also aims to replace imported
products like tomato sauces, squash, pickles, yams among others.
Fruit and vegetable processing is seen widely in the food and
beverage industry. Several types of processing such as drying,
canning, freezing, and the preparation of jams, juices, and jellies
augment the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.
Key driving factors of the Fruit and vegetable processing market:
The major factors driving this market are growing food service
industry, alertness about benefits of fruits & vegetables, reduction
of imports and meeting export demands, consumer demands for
safety, scientific and technological developments, government
industrialization policy etc. Also, continuous changing in lifestyle,
rapid expansion of urban & rural areas and instant growth of food
service industries are also supporting the development of this
industry. Attention of government and progress in developing
countries are expected to present potential growth opportunities
over the forecast timeframe.