Frugal Wahm Magazine - Premier | Page 46

Many women are challenged with hormonal issues, everything from hot flashes, fibroid tumors to PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome). Seeking natural alternatives to these issues some turn to Marguerite Wright, an herbalist in Chicago’s south suburbs.

Wright says,"Even many autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Arthritis are known to be linked to hormones. In fact, today men and women can be exposed to xeno-estrogens through water, medications, pesticides and other toxins from the environment. These cause hormonal imbalance that can lead to additional problems."

Dr. Pamela Smith is the author of, What You Must Know about Women’s Hormones, a must read according to Wright. In a  TV interview Dr. Smith shared some valuable tips on ways women can maintain their health through supplements. These supplements can help relieve hormonal issues, thyroids and even depression. Dr. Smith stressed the importance of caring for gut and liver health when dealing with hormonal issues, since the liver is an organ that helps manage the hormones in the body.

Dr.Smith recommends the following supplements for all women managing their hormones:

- A good multi-vitamin and minerals

- Omega 3s

- B Vitamins which not only supports the nervous system but for women on medications the B vitamins are important in helping the body manage the medications.

- Probiotics for gut health

By balancing hormones women are able to rid problems such as hot flashes.

Marguerite Wright is a Herbalist for over 13 years. Contact her To learn more about natural alternatives and would like a personalized program.

[email protected]


Women seek natural treatments

for their hormonal health