Frugal Wahm Magazine - Premier | Page 4

When I was a young mom at home back in the dinosaur days (before cellphones and laptops) I didn’t really know of too many ways to bring in extra income.  When I left corporate America to raise our son we knew we could make it financially for the needs. But, with the decrease of my full time pay there was of course those times that some extra cash was wanted.  There was the occasional baby-sitting for neighbors but that really didn’t fit my personality.  I just wasn’t the “Mary Poppins” type. 

   Back then I didn’t know where to start to even think about fueling and freeing my personal  entrepreneurial  spirit.  I didn't know about MLM and Network Marketing opportunities as a possible avenue.  I only knew of four "home business companies" - two make-up companies, a home décor company, and company that sold plastic storage containers. I never once had anyone  approach me about joining any of those companies. I also knew about stuffing envelopes.   You may ask me, “Why didn’t you Google about working at home?”  I’m telling you, it was before the day of Google!  I’m talking the days of “You’ve got mail” and the sound of the “dial-up”.  Oh mercy, some of you younger mom’s don’t even know what I’m talking about, so right off the bat I’m telling my age!

   When our son was a toddler, I was thrilled to get the opportunity to do something that fit in more with my corporate background and to get PAID for it!  I did some typing for a neighbor who was writing a procedures manual, for, hold on to your seats, something SO exciting - repairing rotor blades on a helicopter. Yes, real thrilling stuff, not!  The things mom's will do for the family, right?

 Later, I had the fun opportunity to help a neighbor with her wedding chapel during the Texas summer months.  I have to admit, that one was fun and different.  However, I was behind the scenes of the event prepping the entertainment venue or outside directing traffic.  If you have never been in Texas in the summer, everything you hear is right - it's HOT!  I quickly decided that the wedding business was only pretty and fun inside the chapel.   

 The years passed and our son grew up.  It wasn't until he was in High School and I started having a little more time for myself that I decided to really hook back up with my  entrepreneurial  spirit.  I played around with some opportunities, had fun, and made some extra cash.

     You know how when you are talking to the old folks, and they say "back in the good old days?"  Well, I share all those memories with you to be able say that while those may have been "the good old days", now are the better days!  Super moms have the power of the World Wide Web for something such as a simple activity to search for the topic of "home business" in a search engine. What a wonderful age we live in now with the world literally at

your fingertips!

  There are so many opportunities for Mom’s who want to stretch motherhood to the next level as a WAHM.   Whether you are a WAHM with kids at home or on their own, we are super!  The encouragement is that the choices are endless and the possibilities  so numerous!  It is truly just a matter of you finding a business or product that fits your unique YOU -your personality, your strengths and your passions.   Then run with it with your heart! You are making a difference in your family's life as well as yours and all those you touch.  Every action you do influences your family, and as a ripple in a pond, it expands to others.  

     I leave you with these words from Hannah More. "One drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, and too poor to be of service.  Think of this and act."

A Drop

in the Ocean

Kim Steadman is the COOP (Chief Online Operating Person) for The Re-feathered Nest, a sanctuary for moms entering the "Empty Nest Zone". At The Re-feathered Nest, mom's can find the creative pathway to determining how to Re-Purpose and Re-Make their lives now that the kids have flown the coop. Kim can be found on various Social Media including:
Twitter at @kimsteadman1
Google+ at +Kim.

When our not-so-little-one-anymore (he is married and recently made us first-time grandparents) was at home, just being “a Mom” seemed at times to be a super-human task! All the running around, errands, late nights and activities on top of the daily household duties such as the washing, meals and cleaning were enough to leave my head spinning.  Time passed and now there are new generations of moms doing the same things I did.  You have expanded your role and want to provide a consistent income for your family by working at home!  {Hugs}  to YOU for your endless love and untiring commitment to  your family.