Frugal Wahm Magazine - Premier | Page 27


Celebrating YOU!

How long have you been a WAHM?

I have been a WAHM for three months.

What did you do BEFORE you became a WAHM?

I was a manager at a UPS store before I become a WAHM?

Why did you decide to become a WAHM?

II think I really decided to become a work at home mom when my health was not as good as it should be. I wanted to spend more time with my kids since they are still so young. My husband also works a very demanding job.

What is the best part of working from home?

There is nothing better than being able to stay with your kids as much as you can if you are able to.

What do you like the least?

The least I like about working from home is the social life with adults that I had before, I actually  had adult  conversations!

What would you tell someone who wants to work at home, but doesn’t think they could?

I would tell a mom who wants to become a WAHM to just give it a try! It does take some time to get used to but in the end it's worth it.

What is something you wish you knew before you started WAH?

The one thing I wish I knew before I became a WAHM was it's not all fun and games & not as easy as it sounds! You still have to get stuff done as well as meet your kid’s needs!

Do you think working from home is for everyone?

No, I don't think that working at home is for everyone. Some people need a good  structure with a boss over them telling them how it should be done & also need activity with others.

Do you see yourself still WAH in 5 years from now?

I do see myself working from home in five years. Both of my kids will be in school and will be older & a lot more  independent. I also think it will be a lot easier, because I will have more of a groove by then!

Do you think more companies should offer the opportunity to work from home?

I do think that more companies should allow moms to work from home as long as they are getting the job done when needed. I think more companies would find they will have more productive employees if they were allowed to work at home.

What advice do you offer new WAH moms?

I would tell new WAH moms to not give up if the going gets tuff. It will be hard at first.

What myths do you want to debunk about being


That we are not just sitting on the couch watching TV & eating chocolate all day! When we are not networking, trying to make sales or reaching out to customers that have questions we are dealing with kids, laundry & housework.

What is the toughest part of being a work from home mom?

For me I would say the hardest thing about being a WAHM is knowing when to cut off my job & just spend time with my family. I tend to always want to be working & always reaching out to people when I should be focused on my family. That is something that I have been working on a lot  lately.

  Is it hard for you to keep your work & home

life separate?

Yes, it is hard to not let my work life consume my family time. I am one that likes to please people so I am always trying to put them first.

What is your secret to not letting your work life consume your family time?

I have found that my secret for not letting my work consume family time is by turning my cell phone on silent, that way all of my attention us on my kids and husband.

What do people say when you tell them you work

at home?

The most thing I hear when I tell people I work at home is, boy you are so lucky to be able to stay at home & work whenever you want. Which I guess in a sense that's true, but not if I want to be able to bring in some money.

Anything else you would like to add?

I would say the best place to look for work at home jobs would be on message boards from other moms who have had success with working from home.

Work at home moms taking super mom to the next level

Michelle Gonzalez

Michelle Gonzalez is new to the world at home mom world. This Texas mom of two is an independent designer for Origami Owl Living Lockets. FW Magazine Editor Christina Boyer spoke w/ Michelle about how she was adjusting to life as a WAHM.

Clebrating You! Continued on Page 28