7. Buy in bulk. If you have extra cupboard space and or extra freezer space, you can plan ahead and buy bulk when meats, veggies and other products are on sale and save them for later on when the same items are not in season and are more expensive. If you don’t have extra freezer space, depending on the size of your family and household, it may be worth it to consider buying an extra freezer.
8. Shop online at a discount. Before buying anything online, Google the name of the company and the words coupon code or discount and see if you can find any coupons or specials. Free shipping with a minimum purchase is nearly always available.
9. For gluten free products and other specialty health products contact the manufacturer or go to their website or facebook page and see if you can get any coupons. You can also try searching for coupons on Ebay. Usually you won’t find coupons for these kinds of foods in the newspaper or in most other places where you find coupons for non-healthy foods but they are out there if you are willing to spend the time and effort to find them.
10. Join the local grocery store membership program. You will often get coupons in the mail for food that you actually buy and sometimes these will even be valid for things like $5 off produce or natural foods.
In summary, it is not too hard to eat healthy and to do it at a reasonable price if you are willing to plan in advance, and to do a little bit of work and research. That said if you have to worry about a lot of food allergens or special diets, then you will probably spend a bit more but in the long term your health and the health of your family will be worth it and you will save money on medical bills and other health costs.
AnnaLaura Brown is a home business owner and blogger who specializes in helping people with allergies, asthma, autism and ADD without drugs. She personally is gluten free and allergic or intolerant to over 50 foods and knows firsthand the challenges of eating and menu planning with food allergies without breaking the bank. Learn more about her and get your free copy of her helpful guide at her blog.
"Food shopping without breaking the bank can be challenging, however, there is a lot you can do to make it easier and less costly."
"Buy bulk when meats, veggies and other products are on sale and save them for later on when the same items are not in season"