Frosty's Flava Magazine AUG-SEP- 2019 URBAN FILM FESTIVAL EDITION | Page 9

on average, which is ninety times (90x) more than what the bottom fifth (5th) makes per year which is $6,800, and when this report was completed by CNN in 2013, 16% of the parish was unemployed. It’s unfair housing practices that effectively kept “Black” people from acquiring legitimate home-mortgages for a period of thirty (30) years or never seeing the benefits of the G.I. Bill after serving in World War II, which provided financial support in the form of cash stipends for schooling, low-interest mortgages, job skills training, low-interest loans, and unemployment benefits given to their White counterparts. We argue with our peers over a celebration of “firsts”, but were they the “first” to be bestowed the distinction of being placed in that position, or was that the day the “powers that be” weren’t tripping and placated us? For all the success and accolades given for the movie “Black Panther” and the pride we felt for Colin Kaepernick being announced the face of Nike’s 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” campaign, we still don’t control our image and how it’s propagated. We’re tarnished by decades of criminalization spearheaded by the mass media and self-hate perpetrated by our own. Under Cointelpro, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover knew that the prevention of the rise of the next “Black” messiah was paramount in curbing any future insurrections. That if unified, WE can be an unstoppable force that would demand our AUG-SEP R.indd 9 seat at the proverbial table of justice. Which is why the allegory of the “Willie Lynch Letter” continues to be the spectre that hinders our progression. Through division we remain disjointed; we’re no longer invaluable to each other which allows others to capitalize on our failures. So why promote something that would destabilize a system that profits from those shortcomings? See we’re accustomed to our racism being dressed in Klan robes; wearing khaki pants, MAGA hats and carrying Tiki torches; being Permit Patti, the manager of Starbucks or an individual calling the authorities for being in a public dwelling. When truly it’s as subtle as the emojis on your telecommunication device not allowing images that promotes solidarity to look like you: Take the pot off the burner and let it steep. “We Are The Change!” I’m Gone! (b) Follow the Author on Facebook at: Emeritus Brandt Edwards Follow the Fan Page on Facebook: The Porch Reloaded – Rocking Chair Rebels Follow us on Twitter: @ ThePorchFellas Follow us on Instagram: The_Porch_Reloaded Email us: theporchfellas@ 30/08/2019 06:48:34