Frosty's Flava Magazine AUG-SEP- 2019 URBAN FILM FESTIVAL EDITION | Page 48
could do anything. I could prove you wrong. I
could reach my dream.
Thank You, for allowing me to understand!
Everyday, I’m learning. I’m teaching myself
that there will always be people who’ll doubt
me, people who’ll criticize me and people
who’ll judge me.
I am constantly learning that those people
are just the individuals who truly do not
understand me & what God has instilled within
me, and that too is okay.
Thank You, for opening my eyes!
You might feel better discriminating against
someone else rather than focusing on your own
imperfections, but still, you instilled in me the
need to focus on the things I love about myself.
You helped me to hone in on what I think I
need to improve.
Thank You, for showing me who I don’t ever
want to be.
Finally, you infused in me the fact that you are
not someone I want to become. I do not want
AUG-SEP R.indd 48
to become someone who underestimates
another person who believes in him or herself.
Each day I am getting closer to accomplishing
what you said couldn’t be done — you just wait
and see.
Throughout the battle, I’ve learned one
important thing: While you may have been
the match to light the fire, I AM the ever
burning flames.
Ultimately, I’m where I am - thanks to my own
choices. I have full control of my life, where I choose
to go and the type of person I wish to become.
You were a blessing in disguise. I thought this whole
time that you were only here to bring me down and
make me think I couldn’t accomplish anything.
But you’re just what I needed, someone to
push me to strive to do my best.
30/08/2019 06:49:44