“Over the past 10 years, millions of people have been rescued from disability and poverty,
thanks to one of the most effective global partnerships in modern public health”.
– WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan
Buruli ulcer: debilitating skin infection causing severe Leprosy: caused by infection mainly of the skin, peripheral
destruction of the skin, bone and soft tissue. nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and eyes.
Chagas disease: infection transmitted through contact Lymphatic filariasis: infection transmitted by
with vector insects, ingestion of contaminated food, mosquitoes causing abnormal enlargement of
infected blood transfusion, congenital transmission, organ limbs and genitals from adult worms inhabiting and
transplantation or laboratory accidents. reproducing in the lymphatic system.
Dengue: mosquito-borne viral disease causing flu-like Mycetoma: debilitating, disabling bacterial/fungal
illness. Occasionally develops into a lethal complication skin infection thought to be caused by the inoculation of
called severe dengue. fungi or bacteria into the subcutaneous tissue.
Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease): Onchocerciasis (river blindness): parasitic eye
nematode infection transmitted by drinking-water and skin disease, transmitted by the bite of infected
contaminated with parasite-infected water fleas. blackflies. Causes severe itching and eye lesions,
Echinococcosis: infection caused by larval stages
leading to visual impairment and permanent blindness.
of tapeworms forming pathogenic cysts. Transmitted Rabies: viral disease transmitted to humans through the bites
to humans through ingestion of eggs, shed in faeces of of infected dogs. Invariably fatal once symptoms develop.
dogs and wild animals.
Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis): larval worm
Endemic treponematoses (yaws): chronic infection. Transmission occurs when larval forms
bacterial infection affecting mainly the skin and bone. released by freshwater snails penetrate human skin
Foodborne trematodiases: infection acquired
during contact with infested water.
by consuming fish, vegetables, and crustaceans Soil-transmitted helminthiases: group of
contaminated with larval parasites. intestinal helminth infections transmitted through soil
contaminated by human faeces.
Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping
sickness): parasitic infection spread by bites of tsetse flies. Taeniasis and neurocysticercosis: infection by
Almost 100% fatal without prompt diagnosis and treatment. adult tapeworms in human intestines; cysticercosis
Leishmaniases: transmitted through the bites of
infected female sandflies. In its most severe (visceral)
gains in the
fight against
will depend
on wider
towards the
occurs when humans ingest tapeworm eggs that
develop as larvae in tissues.
form, it attacks the internal organs. The most prevalent Trachoma: infection transmitted through direct
(cutaneous) form causes face ulcers, disfiguring scars contact with eye or nasal discharge. Causes irreversible
and disability. corneal opacities and blindness.
Pharmacy Magazine MAY 2017 |