Frontshop FS_MAY_17 | Page 4



MAY 2017
International Multiple Sclerosis Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month

It ’ s the life in your years , not the years in your life


’ ve been blessed with an amazing family with a delightfully wicked sense of humour , which is why I ’ m able to have such fun in May teasing my Dad about being a ‘ senior citizen ’. You see May is Go Turquoise for the Elderly Month and as such Frontshop Pharmacy Magazine always features a handful of articles specifically aimed at the more mature members of our population . Let ’ s face it , no one particularly wants to get older , or think about how our health and bodies may begin to fail us . But as medicines continue to develop and we learn more about living healthily there really is less to be afraid of . It ’ s never too late to change your lifestyle and embrace healthy living . It can be hugely beneficial to educate yourself on the body , how it ages , which ailments you may become more susceptible to and how to postpone or even completely prevent them . With this in mind enjoy our special Go Turquoise for the Elderly section :
· Products specially developed for the ageing members of our population ( page 28 )
· Study : omega-3 levels affect whether B vitamins can slow brain ’ s decline ( page 31 )
· Liquid collagen : the complete anti-ageing solution ( page 33 )
· CPD : the right vitamins for osteoporosis ( page 39 )
Lower back pain is one of the most prevalent complaints of people both young and old . As a sufferer myself , it ’ s encouraging to know that lower back pain is not something you have to live with . We ’ re busting the myths of the causes and treatments on page 27 .
Spending quality time with my favourite “ elderly ” person , Bruno ( AKA Dad ), and my beautiful sister Belinda .
Complaining of heartburn and indigestion , patients often make the mistake of assuming they are the same thing . In actual fact indigestion is a condition , while heartburn is a symptom . We break down the difference between the two gastrointestinal issues on page 21 .
Accounting for an estimated 265 000 deaths annually it ’ s no wonder a week in May is dedicated to burns awareness . This month ’ s cut-out-and-keep feature focuses on how to treat burns and what not to do ( page 18 ).
Highlighting World No Tobacco Day ( 31 May ) we feature three products designed to assist in smoking cessation on page 14 . A common frustration for smokers , coughs can also be caused by many other things . Page 17 focusses on whether a cough is viral or bacterial .
We all know that brushing our teeth and flossing regularly is vital to healthy teeth and gums , but what about the tiny tots in our midst ? Is caring for milk teeth as important as caring for permanent teeth and at what age should we start enforcing the importance of oral health ? Practicing dentist , Dr Laurika Krynauw , shares valuable advice on page 11 .
Lastly , the release of the WHO ’ s Integrating neglected tropical diseases in global health and development report last month shows that we ’ re winning the war on neglected tropical diseases like rabies , bilharzia , dengue , and leprosy ( page 6 ).
Editor Nicky Belseck
“ Do not regret growing older . It ’ s a privilege denied to many ”
– Author unknown
Lyme Disease Awareness Month
World Asthma Day
World Hand Hygiene Day
World Move for Health Day
World Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Day
6 12
Burns Awareness Week
World Lupus Day
International Nurses Day
Go Turquoise for the Elderly Month
World Hypertension Day
World Aids Vaccine Day
27 May Jun 2
National Child Protection Week
28 International Day of Action for Women ’ s Health
Send your letters and any news or events to nicky . belseck @ newmediapub . co . za
World No Tobacco Day
4 | MAY 2017 Pharmacy Magazine