· Progestin for abnormal menstrual bleeding
or birth control
Heartburn can be treated
with the antacid
calcium carbonate
· Carbonated drinks
· Chocolate
· Sedatives for anxiety or sleep problems (insomnia) · Citrus fruits and juices
· Theophylline (for asthma or other lung diseases) · Peppermint and spearmint
· Tricyclic antidepressants · Spicy or fatty foods, full-fat dairy products
· Tomatoes and tomato sauces
TREATMENT Next, try changing your eating habits:
While occasional heartburn happens to most people at · Avoid bending over or exercising just after eating
some point, Georgetown University Medical Centre · Avoid eating within 3-4 hours of bedtime. Lying
cautions patients to pay attention to heartburn and down with a full stomach causes the stomach
treat it, especially if symptoms are experienced often. contents to press harder against the lower
Over time, ongoing reflux can damage the lining of your
oesophagus and cause serious problems.
In some cases heartburn responds to lifestyle changes.
oesophageal sphincter (LES)
· Eat smaller meals
Make other lifestyle changes as needed:
Avoiding trigger foods, shedding excess w eight, not eating · Avoid tight-fitting belts or clothes that are snug around
too close to bedtime and elevating the head of the bed are the waist. These items can squeeze the stomach, and
all potentially helpful. Eating smaller meals, eating more
slowly, not smoking or consuming alcohol and reducing
stress may be helpful as well.
Heartburn is
a condition
in which
a person
a burning
sensation or
pain in the
chest or just
behind the
may force food to reflux
· Lose weight if you are overweight. Obesity increases
pressure in the stomach. This pressure can push the
stomach contents into the oesophagus. In some cases,
If you still do not have full relief, try OTC medicines:
· Antacids help neutralise stomach acid
· H2 blockers reduce stomach acid production
· Proton pump inhibitors stop nearly all stomach
acid production
GERD symptoms go away after an overweight person
loses 4-8kgs
· Sleep with your head raised about six inches. Sleeping
with the head higher than the stomach helps prevent
digested food from backing up into the oesophagus
Place books, bricks, or blocks under the legs at the head
PREVENTION of your bed. You can also use a wedge-shaped pillow
The University of Maryland Medical Center advises under your mattress. Sleeping on extra pillows does
that changing your habits can be helpful in preventing NOT work well for relieving heartburn because you
First, avoid foods and drinks that can trigger
reflux, such as:
· Alcohol
· Caffeine
can slip off the pillows during the night
· Stop smoking. Chemicals in cigarette smoke weaken
the LES
· Reduce stress. Try yoga, tai chi, or meditation to
help relax
Pharmacy Magazine MAY 2017 |