Frontshop FS_MAY_17 | Page 20

HEARTBURN D I C TAT I N G Y O U R M E N U ? Now you can recommend Roznal OTC (lansoprazole) , created to put the spice back into the lives of frequent heartburn and indigestion sufferers! 1,2 Unlike antacids that only briefly neutralise the acid, 3 Roznal OTC gets to work where it matters by inhibiting the production of gastric acid. 1 Once a day for 24-hour relief . Make life more flavourful! References: 1. Roznal OTC approved package insert, March 2010. 2. Peura DA, Gudmundson J, Siepman N, et al. Proton pump inhibitors: effective first-line treatment for management of dyspepsia. Dig Dis Sci 2007;52(4):983-7. 3. Antacids. [Online] Available at: html. Accessed March 2017. 4. Drugbank. Lansoprazole. [Online] Available at: Accessed March 2017. Roznal OTC. Each capsule contains lansoprazole 15 mg. Reg. No: A40/11.4.3/0154. For full prescribing information, please refer to the package insert approved by the Medicines Regulatory Authority. Adcock Ingram Limited. Reg. No.: 1949/034385/06. 1 New Road, Midrand, 1685. Private Bag X69, Bryanston, 2021. Tel.: +27 11 635 0000. 1028398 04/2017. 1,4