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EDUCATION VIRAL VS BACTERIAL Viral coughs are caused by viruses which infl ame the throat or lungs and can last up to three weeks without treatment. However, the body can fi ght the infection if the immune system is strong enough. Viral coughs develop over a day or two and typically worsen after two to three days. They aff ect the throat (larynx), main airway (trachea), or the airways leading into the lungs (bronchi), and can lead to laryngitis, tracheitis, or bronchitis. Bacterial coughs mainly attack the upper respiratory tract – the nose, throat, and bronchi. A bacterial cough usually results in a chest infection, whooping cough or, in extreme cases, tuberculosis (TB), or pneumonia. Bacterial infections can usually be identifi ed with a doctor’s test. For example, a throat test can check for What’s causing your cough? As irritating as it may be, coughing is the body’s way of ridding the lungs and airways of foreign substances and mucus C oughs can make breathing diffi cult living inside our bodies that help with essential and irritating. Being aware of the functions. Viruses are also microscopic beings, cause of your cough will help you but they behave diff erently to bacteria. treat it quickly and eff ectively, and Viruses fl ourish inside a living organism and help restore health. The fi rst step? Knowing can live for a brief period of time outside their whether the culprit’s a bacteria or a virus. host, like hovering in the air right after a person Bacteria are tiny single-celled organisms. Not all bacteria are bad, there are benefi cial bacteria coughs. But in order to multiply they need to settle inside a host. the presence of the streptococcus bacteria. WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR Most viral coughs clear with ease, and a little help from an eff ective cough medication. However, a secondary infection with germs (bacteria) can develop, which leads to more serious conditions like pneumonia. It’s also easy to confuse other causes of a cough (like asthma) with a viral infection. It’s advisable to see a doctor if you have high temperature, chest pains, or consistently severe Viral coughs are caused by viruses which inflame the throat or lungs and can last up to three weeks without treatment headaches. Monitor breathing patterns and if you cough up blood and the cough persists, take immediate action with the advice of a health practitioner. TACKLING COUGHS WITH TREATMENT Many people resort to antibiotics when they have an infection. However, antibiotics won’t work to ease a cough caused by a virus. They may even make symptoms worse, as they cause side-eff ects like diarrhoea and rashes. If you test positive for a bacterial throat or lung infection, your doctor will usually treat it with antibiotics: medicine that specifi cally inhibits the growth of bacteria. However, be weary of antibiotics in killing bacteria completely as they can also destroy natural bodily mechanisms that protect the body from diseases, resulting in a compromised immune system as a whole. Pharmacy Magazine MAY 2017 | 17