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Oral health for tiny tots

Taking care of tiny tots ’ teeth can prevent future oral problems


Children are always observing , so be sure to lead by example and take good care of your own teeth


We all know that brushing our teeth and flossing regularly is vital to healthy teeth and gums , but what about the tiny tots in our midst ? Is caring for milk teeth as important as caring for permanent teeth and at what age should we start enforcing the importance of oral health ? Dr Laurika Krynauw , practicing dentist at Medicross Langeberg , shares valuable advice .

“ Many parents see milk teeth as something that will ‘ fall out anyway ’ and therefore do not see the need for oral care at a young age . The truth is , milk teeth are just as important as permanent teeth ,” explains Krynauw .
“ Even though milk teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth eventually , the early loss of milk teeth due to damage or decay , can cause future oral health problems . These problems can be prevented by proper dental care from a young age ,” she explains . “ Premature loss of milk teeth can result in ‘ space loss ’. This means that there will not be enough space for permanent teeth to develop and this will most likely create the need for braces in later , teenage years . Also , severely decayed milk teeth can cause abscesses that can irreversibly damage the permanent teeth underneath the milk teeth .
“ The moment you see a tooth in your baby ’ s mouth , you need to start cleaning it . It is never too early to
encourage good oral hygiene . When cleaning a baby ’ s mouth , it is imperative to use a special toothbrush that is soft and tailor-made for little mouths . If the bristles of a toothbrush are too hard , it could damage their gums and teeth . You can find these special toothbrushes at most pharmacies and dentists .
“ You should also use children ’ s toothpaste , it is not just a gimmick ,” Krynauw adds . “ Most toothpastes contain fluoride and children tend to swallow toothpaste , because they find it difficult to spit out the excess . If they ingest too much fluoride , it can lead to fluorosis which will result in permanent white stains on their teeth .
“ Children ’ s toothpaste contains less fluoride than adult toothpaste and this prevents fluorosis . Also , the mint flavouring in many toothpastes cause a ‘ burning ’ sensation in their mouths that many children find disturbing . Children ’ s toothpastes are much milder and gentle to their taste buds .”
Krynauw mentions that babies should also be taken for regular visits to the dentist . “ You should make an appointment at your local dentist as soon as you see teeth developing . The first appointment will mainly focus on educating parents on how to properly clean their baby ’ s teeth and other ways to protect their child ’ s
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Severely decayed milk teeth can cause abscesses that can irreversibly damage the permanent teeth underneath the milk teeth
Pharmacy Magazine MAY 2017 | 11