From Trust to Use and Beyond: Chapter One | Page 3

Why this eBook Carestream believes that the next few years of innovation in information technology will change healthcare forever. The first clinical certification exam establishing informatics as a US subspeciality was given by the American Board of Preventive Medicine Informatics in late 2013. As electronic medical data zooms past petabytes to exabytes and beyond, analytic tools and distributed platforms provide virtually realtime access. This creates its own issue—a form of clinical paralysis. Our reporting has changed to reflect the need to screen and manage the information flow we present to our clinicians. Meanwhile the discussion about the value of information extends to what we make available to patients and how they can interact with clinicians about it. We created this eBook around the journey to get to a clinical decision support (CDS) system based on universal access to data that formerly existed in specialty silos— data that clinicians can use without disrupting their workflow—information they can rely on. CDS is still a work in progress as the balance between presenting important information that supports clinicians and information bloat that gets in the way. This ebook was created to stimulate discussion on some of healthcare information systems’ most critical issues. As information systems providers with arguably the most experience with medicine’s largest and most complex files—we have a point of view on these issues, and we would invite you to join the discussion with comments over to the left.